Fęrsluflokkur: Višskipti og fjįrmįl

Write Off


Ég skil ekki hvaš er aš gerast. A lawyer at Kaupžing suggested to the bank to write off loans that some of the staff had taken to buy shares in the bank. Now this same lawyer is in charge of investigating whether this was leal or not. What do you think he will say?? Dah!

They are not writing off my loan, they are only increasing the amount I have to pay.



Žaš er ekki kominn ķ ljós hvaš er aš gerast. Russland er aš hjalpa, kannski International Monetary Fund. Every Icelander now owes 10,000,000 kronur. The government was debt free just a short while ago, now bankrupt?? Ég held ekki, jį žaš er ekki bestu tima enn viš žarf aš munna aš Ķsland var fįtek fyrir WWW2.


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