Færsluflokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag


Interesting interview on BBC last week with Geir Haarde. I think he stood pretty well but I do not understand why he has not talked to Gordon Brown since the bank crash. Especially after using Terrorist Laws against us I would have given Brown an earful if I was PM.

They are dropping like flies.

Well it is a little late but the Minister of Commerce (also the banking minister) has quit. He did this after firing the board and chairman of the FME, the Financial Supervisory Authority of Iceland. They should have been fired in October.


Now it is up to the Central Bank to recieve the same news. Get rid of all 3 chairmen and hire someone who knows what they are doing.


Ég for til að skipta pening um daginn og það var mjög slæmt. Það var hægt að skipta, það var ekki málið það var kostnaður. Kanada dollar á 115 kr, OUCH.

Ég held það er kominn tima til að skipta út kronunni fyrir eitthvað annað.


Who is stealing Christmas??

Þetta var sent í tilefni enginn Jól í ár.


Good to be a Lawyer


Það er gött að vera lögfræðingur á Íslandi í dag. Everyone is sueing everyone. Iceland is sueing Britain, Kaupþing is sueing Britain. Holland is sueing Iceland. How manyyears before anything is done? ÁframÍsland!!Sidewaysj0178254_1.gif

 Canada,  Conservatives with another Minority Government. Was the election worthwhile, I do not think so. 3dflagsdotcom_canad_2fawm.gif

National Banks again? Who is robbing who?

Ég veit ekki. Mér lýst ekki vel á hvað er að gerast á landinu. Þessa men sem er búinn að eýða billions er að fá hjálp frá ríkið?? My tax money is going to help these rich people keep up their standard of living while my wages go down and down!! I do not understand.

Another Day

Jaja, krónur fellur og fellur. Ég vil ekki hugsa um það. Áfram að vinna.

Ég veit ekki meir. Devil



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