14.2.2010 | 15:56
Lost a great friend of Iceland and Icelanders in North America
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Neil Ófeigur Bardal látinn |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
Bloggar | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
18.5.2009 | 16:23
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Matarverð hefur hækkað um 25% |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 16:25 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
14.5.2009 | 15:48
Post election blues.
Jæja, fólk eru í vondu malum. Ég er loksins búinn að borga bílinn. Ég var að borga 25,000 á manaði fryst og það for upp í 38,000 svo ég skil ekki hvernig fólk getur halda áfram að borga allir skuldir.
Many horror stories and I feel bad for the average Icelander that has to pay for the extravagance of the Útrásavíkingar. The lasted is that the wives of the people that bankrupt Iceland are on a last fling in Oman. Isn´t that nice of them? They could have taken me with!!
Bloggar | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
17.2.2009 | 11:17
4.2.2009 | 11:33
It could be worse.
Bloggar | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
28.1.2009 | 09:24
Politics Boring??
And who said politics is boring.
Það er skemmtileg tíma á Íslandi núna. Ný forsetaráðherra á leiðinni.
Mikið breyting vonandi til góðs.
Money money is still going around, mainly to the people that have quit, been fired or replaced. I wish I got a small amout of this. For example they are saying that changing the heads of the central bank will cost the government 500 million kronur. That is crazy.
Bloggar | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
25.1.2009 | 15:17
Better late than never
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Björgvin segir af sér |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
Bloggar | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
25.1.2009 | 15:15
They are dropping like flies.
Well it is a little late but the Minister of Commerce (also the banking minister) has quit. He did this after firing the board and chairman of the FME, the Financial Supervisory Authority of Iceland. They should have been fired in October.
Now it is up to the Central Bank to recieve the same news. Get rid of all 3 chairmen and hire someone who knows what they are doing.
23.1.2009 | 13:52
I get to vote in May
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Geir: Kosið í maí |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
Bloggar | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
23.1.2009 | 13:18
Thank you Geir, I wish you all the best in your recovery.
Það var kominn tíma til að kjósa, enn samt ég vil óska þér góðs bata. Ég von að fleiri segir af sér enn helst ekki fyrir sjúkdóm bara virðingu fyrir þjóðinnu.
What goes up comes down. There were many good years under your direction and yet you have to admit there were many mistakes as well. Can you not take David with you and maybe a few others.
Bloggar | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)